Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic

2025/03/07 0 مشاهدة

The topic of Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic is considered one of the important topics in the Arabic language because the Arabic language considers most of its words to contain sun letters.\r\nTherefore, we will talk in this topic about sun letters a

The topic of Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic is considered one of the important topics in the Arabic language because the Arabic language considers most of its words to contain sun letters.

Therefore, we will talk in this topic about sun letters and moon letters in Arabic, as well as the ways of writing them in the language, and what the solar or lunar letters are.

What are sun letters and moon letters in Arabic?

  • There are many sun letters in the Arabic language, which are as follows:

        (ت، ث، د، ذ، ر، ز، س، ش، ص، ض، ط، ظ، ن، ل )

  • There are also many moon letters, which are as follows :

       (أ، ب، ج، ح، خ، ع، غ، ف، ق، ك، م، ه، و، ي)

Types Of Articles In Arabic  

Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic

The Arabic language has one article that is used only at the beginning of nouns. This article is similar to the word (the) in the English language and is used to define nouns and show whether these nouns are specific or general. The article (ال) is often used at the beginning of nouns.

It can also be said that the letter (ل) in (ال) in the Arabic language is divided into two types:

1-The sun L (ل) is written and not pronounced, so the letter that follows it is pronounced and the L(ل) is ignored

2-The moon L (ل) is written and pronounced, so it cannot be ignored and must be pronounced for the meaning of the intended word to become clear.

You can learn more about this and learn the Arabic language clearly through our Arabic Foundation Course

sun letter and moon letter in Arabic

The Arabic language is considered one of the most distinctive languages ​​because it contains solar letters and lunar letters, and the difference between them can be explained below:

  • For example, the word “الشمس” means the sun in English. When pronouncing AL, we do not show the letter L, but we connect the “A” with the “sh” This is because it is a sun letter that is only written but not pronounced

In this way many other sun  letters are measured, The sun letters are the letters that follow the letter “Al” and are pronounced with emphasis as: (ت، ث، د، ذ، ر، ز، س، ش، ص، ض، ط، ظ، ل، ن)

  • On the other hand, for example, in the word moon, this case the letter L is pronounced because the L in this case is the moon letter and must be pronounced for the meaning to be clarified.

In this way, many other lunar letters are measured. The lunar letters               are the letters that follow the letter Al and are pronounced without stress, such as:(أ، ب، ج، ح، خ، ع، غ، ف، ق، ك، م، هـ، و، ي)

Read About: Arabic Words To Practice Reading

What is the difference between Shamsi and Qamari letters?

Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic

To learn more about the Arabic language, which some consider difficult, you can visit the best Arabic and Quran Academy Al-Walid Academy and learn the Arabic language in easier ways, as well as learn the difference between the Shamsi and Qamari letters, as will follow:

  1. The sun letters (shamsi) are the letters that follow the letter “Al” and are pronounced with emphasis.
  2. The moon letters(qamari) are the letters that follow the letter Al and are pronounced without stress.

Why is it important to distinguish Sun and Moon letters?

Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic

It is considered very important to know the sun letter and moon letter in Arabic because this greatly affects pronunciation and can change the pronunciation of a word from one form to another, which affects the listener.

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How to remember the sun and moon letters?

It is possible to remember sun letters and moon letters in Arabic by their pronunciation. The letters that come after “ال” and are stressed are sun  and the letters that come after “ال” and are not stressed are moon letter

Training on pronunciation of the letters and words of the sun

You can practice pronouncing the sun letter and moon letter in Arabic by visiting an Arabic language course, as we have trainers and specialists in this matter so that it will be easier and the learning will be easier and in a faster time.


in the end, the Arabic language is considered one of the languages ​​that contain many secrets and interesting things, including this topic that we talked about and in which we learned about the difference between the sun letter and the moon letter in Arabic.