Prayer After Full Reading The Entire Quran

2025/03/07 2 مشاهدة

What is prayer after full reading the entire Quran We have to know The Quran is a light that illuminates our path with faith and with it, we raise our ranks with God Almighty. The reciter of the Quran has a great reward and draws us closer to God Almighty

What is prayer after full reading the entire Quran We have to know The Quran is a light that illuminates our path with faith and with it, we raise our ranks with God Almighty. The reciter of the Quran has a great reward and draws us closer to God Almighty and guides us to our paths. He is the best intercessor for its owner on a day when neither wealth nor children will intercede except for the one who comes to God with a sound heart, and among the Sunnahs from the Prophet Peace be upon him, it's the supplication and remembrance of God after reciting it. Some may pray after fully reading the entire Quran. In this article, we will learn about what we say after reading the Qur’an, what are the benefits of supplication, what are the good deeds that I take from all of that, and more.

What to say after reading the Quran in Arabic 

After completing the recitation of the Holy Quran, the Muslim must repeat the supplications, following the example of the Sunnah of our Prophet, the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace

Dua in Arabic 

-"اللهم إني اسألك عيشة هنية وميتة سوية، اللهم اني اسألك خير العمل وخير الثواب وخير العمل وثبتني وثقل موازيني وارفع درجاتي وتقبل صلاتي واسألك درجة عالية في الجنة"

Dua in English 

Oh God, I ask you for a blissful life and a happy death. Oh God, I ask you for the best deeds, the best reward, the best deeds, make me firm, make my scales heavy, raise my ranks, accept my prayers, and I ask you for a high degree in Paradise.

In Arabic 

-"اللهم اني اسألك موجبات رحمتك وعزائم مغفرتك والسلامة من كل شر يعقبه الندامه  والفوز بالجنة  والنجاة من النار، اللهم أعزنا بالإسلام، وأدخلنا الجنة بدون حساب ولا سابق عذاب '

In English 

Oh God, I ask you for the reasons for your mercy and the assurances of your forgiveness, safety from every sin, winning Paradise, and salvation from Hell.Oh God, honor us with Islam, and admit us to Paradise without judgment or previous torment’

Dua in Arabic 

-'اللهم اجعل خير عمري آخره وخير عملي خواتمه وخير أيامي يوم القيامة حيث ألقاك ' 

Dua in English 

Oh God, make the best of my life it's last, the best of my deeds its endings, and the best of my days the Day of Resurrection, where I will meet you. 

Read about: What Is The Most Powerful Verse In The Quran

Benefits of dua after reading the Quran

Prayer after full reading the entire Quran

Reciting the Quran, being humble in it, and understanding its meanings makes us feel humble before God Almighty, for we are His weak servants, and we have no one but Him. It brings us closer to God and thus strengthens our faith in God. It is the first refuge from the hardships of this world, so it comforts our souls and guides us to the straight path. Whoever loves supplications after recitation is to ask God for forgiveness. For any negligence in reciting it by mistake, we ask Him for forgiveness for every sin. 

Gathering expiation 

It is desirable for every Muslim, after every gathering, regardless of the type of gathering, whether a male gathering, or after prayer, or a reconciliation gathering, or sitting with his friends and wanting to leave that gathering, to say expiation for the gathering. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, it was reported on the authority of our honorable Messenger (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) that whoever sat in a gathering and there was a lot of confusion in it, then the person said before he got up from his sitting, Glory be to You, O God, and with Your praise, and I bear witness that there is no god but You. I ask forgiveness from my Lord and I repent to You, may He be forgiven.

Remembrance And Praise Of God 

This is not required with prayer and reading the Quran only, so praise God and mention Him at all times. One of the causes of regret and heartbreak on the Day of Resurrection is that the servant sits and then gets up and does not mention God. Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace): ‘What A people sat in a gathering in which they did not mention God, except that they were in debt. 'Terrah: that is, regret or remorse

When we leave the gathering 

We must speak in a way that pleases God, but the human soul is weak, and our tongues may slip by falling into backbiting, gossiping, or ridicule, and falling into the sins of the tongue. It is desirable to recite supplications and mention God a lot when getting up from a gathering. If it is a good gathering, the supplication will add a blessing to it, and if it is evil, we will be forgiven, God Almighty willing.

Read Also: Forbidden times of Salah

Prayer after full reading the entire Quran

Prayer after full reading the entire Quran  

After reading the Quran, the reader should pray for whatever good things he wants in this world and the hereafter. As for praying two rak’ahs, this has no basis in Sharia law. No hadith mentioned this or was reported from the Companions or the major scholars after them. 

The answered supplication when completing the Quran

It was narrated on the authority of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace): “Whoever prays a prescribed prayer will have an answered supplication, and whoever completes the recitation of the Quran will have an answered supplication.”

If the supplication is made by the reciter or if a group of people comes to listen to the Qur’an or attend at the end of the recitation, then the supplication is considered answered, God willing, and mercy and forgiveness from God are sent down. People need to gather when reading, listening to, and contemplating the Quran, even by being present at the end of the recitation, because it has a great reward and an answered prayer, God willing. 

Good treatment in Islam

Among Islam’s good treatment of us، On the authority of our Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace:‘Whoever reads the Quran and is skilled in it is with the honorable and righteous scholars, and whoever reads it while it is difficult for him and stumbles in it will have two rewards.’This is part of the greatness of our Islam and its ease for us. Praise be to God who guided us to Islam, and His blessings are sufficient for it, for Islam is one of the greatest blessings. Parents should encourage their children to learn Arabic, For that reason if you are a non-Arabic speaker you can fulfill those goals in Quran lessons for kids. In that way, we will build Muslim generations.

Dua after reading the Quran in English

Reciting a dua after reading the Quran is a beautiful way to conclude the recitation, seeking blessings and forgiveness from Allah. Here's a powerful and meaningful dua you can recite:

"O Allah, make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness, and the reliever of my distress. O Allah, teach me from it what I am ignorant of, and remind me of it what I have forgotten, and grant me the ability to recite it throughout the day and night in the way that pleases You."

Benefits of Dua After Recitation

  1. Spiritual Elevation: It strengthens the connection with Allah and helps to internalize the lessons learned from the Quran.

  2. Protection and Guidance: The Quran serves as a guide for life, and dua asks Allah to help you implement its teachings.

  3. Seeking Forgiveness: A dua after reading the Quran is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness and mercy.

Incorporating Dua into Daily Recitation

Making a habit of reciting dua after Quran reading encourages a more meaningful connection with the Quran. It can become a moment of reflection and gratitude for the guidance the Quran provides.

If you are looking to deepen your understanding of the Quran and enhance your recitation, explore Al-Walid Academy's Quran Reading Course and Tajweed Course. These courses offer structured learning that ensures proper pronunciation and comprehension.

Additional Resources:

By combining recitation, dua, and structured learning, you can deepen your connection to the Quran and experience its profound effects on your heart and soul.

Other Duas 

Supplication is a great matter in Islam. Supplication is sought from the helpless and weak by the strong and capable, and it is one of the greatest acts of obedience to God Almighty. It was narrated on the authority of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace): “Supplication is worship.”

One of them

  • “O God, I am your servant, the son of your servant, the son of your female slave, my forelock is in your hand, I continue in your judgment, I am just in your decree, I ask of you by every name that is yours that you have named yourself with, or revealed in your book, or taught to one of your creation, or kept private in the knowledge of the unseen with you. You make the Quran the spring of my heart, a relief for my sadness, and a release for my grief.” 
  • O God, have mercy on me with the Qur’an, make it my intercessor, and make it an imam, a light, a guidance, and a mercy for us. O God, remind me of what I have forgotten, teach me what I am ignorant of, and grant me its recitation during the hours of the night and the end of the day.

What is the reward for reading the whole Quran? 

One of the most important acts of worship for which a Muslim receives great rewards is the reward for reciting the Quran. Reciting the Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Resurrection. The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) said, “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of God will have a good deed for it, and a good deed is multiplied tenfold. I do not say that the pain of a letter is not valid.” But Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter. The end of the Quran is its complete recitation and memorization, for it has a great reward and reward from God. Every letter of the Quran seeks forgiveness for its companion. It is a salvation from Hell, leads us to Paradise, increases our closeness to God and our love for Him, and guides us to the straight path. 

Read Also: How to get forgiveness from Allah

What happens after you finish reading the Quran? 

After completing the Quran, it is a deeply spiritual moment, often followed by reciting dua (supplication) to ask Allah for acceptance of your recitation, forgiveness, and guidance in applying its teachings. It’s also a time to reflect on the verses, express gratitude, and pray for blessings for yourself and others. Many people choose to start the Quran again by reading Surah Al-Fatiha, symbolizing a continuous cycle of learning and devotion. This practice keeps the connection to the Quran alive and ongoing.

  • It is recommended for us to adhere to the approach and Sunnah of our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) after reciting the Quran, which is repeating supplications and supplications, mentioning God Almighty frequently, and seeking forgiveness. Among the most important of them are: Glory be to You, O God, and with Your praise. I bear witness that there is no god but You glory be to You. I seek Your forgiveness and repent to You. God is Great.



One of the best acts of worship by which a servant draws closer to his Lord is to recite the Quran, contemplate it, and understand its meanings. It is the commandment of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) to his nation, so a Muslim must continually recite it and conjure up the intention of sincerity to God Almighty, and the Muslim must be in a state of humility as he recites it. The Book of God, so parents must raise their children to love the Book of God and pray after fully reading the entire Quran,