Harakat In Arabic Language

2025/03/07 0 مشاهدة

One of the most important features of the Arabic language is that it differs from other languages ​​in that it contains harakat, as harakat in the Arabic language is considered something that distinguishes it from other languages. Below we will discus

One of the most important features of the Arabic language is that it differs from other languages ​​in that it contains harakat, as harakat in the Arabic language is considered something that distinguishes it from other languages. Below we will discuss the harakat in Arabic language, and learn about their number and method of pronunciation.

What is Harakat in Tajweed?

Harakat in intonation is among the things that improve pronunciation and correct the word's pronunciation.

For example, if the harakat is above the word, the subject is different than if it is below it, and it is the thing that improves the recitation of the Qur’an and makes it correct.

You can learn more about this and learn the Arabic language clearly through our Arabic language course

You need to know more about Harakt in Arabic language or I mean The Movements. Let me say If You are still a beginner  You need to read this article Sun Letter And Moon Letter In Arabic

What is Harakat In Arabic?

Harakat In Arabic Language

The Arabic language contains many harakat, and there are four main harakat that are divided as follows :

  • Fatha - الفتحة

It is placed above the letter of the word and the pronunciation is as follows:

Without haraka

With haraka 





In the previous table, the word “أكل” means to eat. 

Without the haraka , it referred to a noun, but after placing the haraka, it began to refer to a past tense verb.

For more practice read about Arabic Words To Practice Reading
  • Damma - الضمة  


With haraka 

Without haraka





The word “مُجرم” means “criminal” in English. 

So when the haraka is placed, it has this meaning, but when the haraka is removed, it has no meaning.

  • Kasra- الكسرة


With haraka 

Without haraka




If the haraka is placed in its correct place, the meaning of the word is a part of something, but if it is raised, the meaning changes from that to the meaning of a section.

  • Sokoun-السكون 


With haraka 

Without haraka




When the haraka is placed, the word has a meaning, which is dates, but when it is removed, the punch becomes meaningless

I know you Want to get rid of Harakat In Arabic Language and want to be at a high level this is not easy you need to work a lot yourself To know more read this article Learn To Read And Write Arabic For Beginners

Harakat In Arabic Language

Harakat In Arabic Language

In this article, we talked about harakat in Arabic language and the extent of their impact on meaning. To learn more about this and learn the language more clearly you can visit The best Arabic and Quran Academy Al-Walid Academy

harakat has a significant impact on the word's meaning, and we noticed this previously.

Arabic Harakat Rules

  1. Fatha - الفتحة
  • It is placed above the letter
  • The mouth is open to pronounce it
  • Fataha-فتَحَ 

2-Damma - الضمة 

  • It is placed above the letter
  • The mouth is closed when pronouncing it
  • Moot - موت

3-Kasra- الكسرة

  • It is placed under the letter
  • The mouth is closed when pronouncing it
  • segn-سِجن


  • It is placed above the letter
  • Silence of the mouth when pronouncing it
  • segn-سجْن


  • It is placed above the letter
  • The mouth is open to pronounce it
  • Qattal-قتّال
I see You like to learn words and you still learning Harakt in the Arabic language But if you like to know a good way to learn Arabic read this article What is The Best Way To Learn Arabic Vocabulary

What is the difference between harakat and Tashkeel?



The harakat includes three things: the fatha, the dhamma, and the kasra, although the way each of them is pronounced differs, and the mouth has a specific way of pronouncing them.

Tashkeel is considered broader than movements, as it includes many other movements such as stillness, stress, and such things, which makes Tashkeel more comprehensive than harakat.

You can learn more about this and learn the Arabic language clearly through our Arabic Foundation Course

Benefits of Studying Arabic Harakat?

Harakat In Arabic Language

1-The correct pronunciation

The movements help in pronouncing the correct word and knowing the exact meaning

2-Accurate language learning

As the movements improve the methods of learning reading even more

3-Increased ability to read

The movements improve reading methods further and make pronunciation easier

4-Knowledge of linguistic provisions

As the movements work to increase the ability to know linguistic rules more

5-The ability to pronounce the Holy Quran

As the movements work to increase the ability to read the Qur’an correctly and not make mistakes

6-Knowing the rules of Tajweed

As the movements work to increase the ability to read the Qur’an correctly and not make mistakes and Knowing the rules of Tajweed

7-Knowing the correct mouth movements

Where knowledge of harakat in arabic language It improves the ways letters come out of the mouth.

8-Improve listening ability

The most important advantage of knowledge of movements is that it increases the ability to listen.

How to study Arabic Harakat?

  • Learn to pronounce it well

Learning pronunciation helps you learn movements faster

  • Training with language specialists

Training with specialists increases learning the harakat in the Arabic language and makes it easier

  • Continuous training

Continuous training increases the ability to always remember, as well as read things correctly

  • Practice writing it

Continuous training in writing makes the ability to learn words and movements much easier than others

  • Get special language courses 

The language must be learned by specialists, and this is something that can be mastered through the best Arabic and Quran academies  

  • Knowing the Tanween correctly

Because Tanween is considered one of the things that facilitates the process of learning movements.

After All of this, I recommend you to Read This Article Quickest Way to Learn Arabic


Harakat in the Arabic language is considered one of the things that must be learned in the language because the Arabic language relies heavily on movements, and this is something that distinguishes it from other languages.