Learn Quran Tafseer Online

Learn Quran Tafseer Online

عدد المعلمين 0 ٣٢٦ مشتركًا ٤.٨ تقييم

نبذة عن الدورة

Are you dreaming of understanding the Quran's meaning and not knowing how?

Then you must make the most worthwhile decision and learn Quran Tafseer Online at Al Walid Academy to strengthen your connection with Allah and apply His rules.

The Holy Quran is the main source of legislation and guidance for Muslims and humanity, it was revealed to set regulations concerning daily actions and relations between people.

Also, it regulates the relationship between humans and Allah and teaches us how to be good worshipers.

Book your FREE Trial and start the journey of Quran Tafseer to discover the Quran's message.

ابدأ رحلة التعلم الآن

سجل في الدورة وابدأ مسيرتك في تعلم القرآن الكريم

عدد الدروس


عدد المعلمين


شهادة معتمدة


عدد الطلاب


سجل الان

تفاصيل الدورة

What is Tafseer?

Tafseer means clarifying something and making it understandable with a deep explanation and interpretation.The َQuran Tafseer means explaining the meaning of the verses in detail while learning its foundation and reasons for revelation.It is an advanced Islamic science that is combined with other sciences such as linguistics, hadith, fiqh, and theology to end with a clear meaning and significance of the verses.

The Holy Quran is rich with incomprehensible secrets and treasures to the human mind.When you learn Quran Tafseer online you can unlock these secrets and explore the beauty and wisdom of Allah’s words which will increase the spiritual connection with Allah Almighty.

Wherever you live and whatever language you speak, you can access the meaning of the Holy Quran when you learn Quran Tafseer online with Al Walid Academy by Native Arabic male and female teachers with the most comprehensive plan and modern learning approaches.

Why to learn Quran Tafseer online?

The Holy Quran is the life guide for every Muslim, therefore seeking to understand its exact meaning is not optional, here are some reasons to learn Quran Tafseer:

  • Tafseer science increases the spiritual connection and lightens one’s path
  • Good understanding of Allah’s commands and rules
  • Understand the history and know about Allah’s miracles at that time
  • Learn the virtues of Surahs
  • Develop deeper insights into the prophets' lives and the situations they faced
  • Deeper understanding of the Arabic language
  • Understanding the meaning of verses facilitates Quran memorization
  • Path knowledge to the next generation and teach each other
  • Gain the maximum benefit from the Quran’s lessons
  • Apply the Quran and Noble Sunnah rules in our lives
  • Benefit our society through Daawa

Our Quran Tafseer online course features

Al Walid Academy is careful about you and seeks to offer you the best learning experience through the following features:

  • FREE Trial to familiarize yourself with the Quran Tafseer.
  • A well-established informative curriculum that depends on the most credible Quran Tafseer books such as Tafseer Ibn Kathir, and Tafseer At-Tabari.
  • Customized learning plan based on age, goals, and background.
  • The course is available in more than one language.
  • One-to-one sessions for each student for discussion and inquiries.
  • Sessions are recorded and easy to follow.
  • Native, qualified, and carefully selected teachers.
  • Learn Quran Tafseer online for sisters with female tutors.
  • Quran Tafseer online classes for kids.
  • Learn from the comfort of your home.
  • Set your schedule.
  • Periodic revision and evaluation.
  • Suitable prices with different packages and payment methods.
  • Certification of completion.

Our Quran Tafseer Course Outcomes

  • Being exposed to the meaning and virtues of the Noble Surahs (will also facilitate Memorizing the Quran).
  • Order of the Quran revelation, history, and how it was collected and written.
  • Comparing The Quran and other previous scriptures.
  • Hazrat Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and Outhman (R.A.) the reign of the Holy Quran.
  • Know virtues and solve problems of ta’awoz and basmala.
  • Develop an excellency level of reciting the Holy Quran with an understanding of the meaning of every word of the Quran's verses.
  • Learn the situation and reason of revelation.
  • Know the reason behind the name of each Surah and other names if any.
  • Learn the lessons from each Surah.
  • Understand and apply Allah's commands and Islamic regulations.
  • Enrich the religious and Islamic historical Information.
  • Learn about the prophet Mohamed's and his companions’ lives.
  • Being ready to apply the Quran rules in your daily life routine.
  • Read the Quran in Arabic easily and without the need to read the translated Quran.
  • Study Arabic grammar.
  • Rabb/t Surah.
  • Ethics.
  • Ahmadis.
  • The poetry's meaning.
  • Learn the significance of the Quran in poetry.

Objectives of the Quran Tafseer Course at Al Walid Academy

  • Provide a scholarly understanding of the Science of Tafseer and the Science of the Quran.
  • Help learners have a strong foundation in Islamic studies and be experienced in research.
  • Enable students to produce scholarly writings.
  • Brainstorming and articulating sophisticated concepts through discussion.
  • Develop consciousness regarding the Arabic language and ethical responsibilities.
  • Help learners contribute toward their societies or internationally

The best Quran Tafseer online books

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

It is a prominent Quran Tafseer book by the author Ibn Kathir, who follows the exegesis by narration methodology.The book explains every verse with its description and details based on information from Noble Hadiths and companions of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) authentically.

Tafseer At-Tabari

Another well-known outstanding Quran Tafseer book by the author Mohamed Ibn Jarir At-Tabari.It is highly recommended and considered a remarkable Tafseer book all over the world, it holds a high significance in learning the Quran Tafseer.The author mentioned all the details of Surahs with references to Hadiths, Sahabas, and Tabeins.

Other Quran Tafseer books

  • Tafseer Al-Qurtubi
  • Tafseer Al-Jalalayn
  • Tafseer Al-Sa’adi

Al Walid Academy helps you have deeper insights into different credited and trusted Quran Tafseer books for better understanding of all verses of the Holy Quran.

The best place to learn Quran Tafseer online

During the search journey to learn the Quran Tafseer, some criteria must be considered to ensure an informative learning experience that fulfills your desired goals.The selected Quran Tafseer online platform must offer the following points:

  • Native and highly qualified Quran educators
  • Interactive and interesting learning environment to avoid boredom
  • Availability of Quran tafseer classes for kids and sisters.
  • A curriculum that is well-established and based on trusted Quran Tafeer references
  • Provide flexible timed schedules
  • Facilities concerning payment

Joining the Quran Tafseer classes with Al Walid Academy will deepen your understanding of the verses easily with our highly qualified scholars

who graduated from Al-Azhar University and top accredited Islamic Universities in the Region.

How to learn Tafseer online at Al Walid Academy?

Apply only 3 steps and become closer to understanding the meaning of Allah’s divine words, you need to:

Step1: fill in the FREE TRial online application

Step2: confirm your appointment

Step3: Download the meeting App (Zoom or Skype)

Now, you are ready to explore the secrets and virtues of the Holy Quran.

Take the first step

Learn Quran Tafseer online to start your first steps to developing deeper insights into the Quran's meaning and building an infinite bond with Allah. Al Walid Academy introduces itself to you and provides a life-changing opportunity to understand the meaning of the Quran verses and strengthen your faith. We will break any obstacle you may face during your Tafseer learning journey, and walk with you step by step to interpret the Quran effectively.

You just need to ENROLL in our course and enjoy an exceptional informative transformative learning experience.

Contact Us to preserve your seat.

Your questions answered

Common questions

No, you can start and join our course regardless of your age with comfort.

All you need is:

  • True intent and motivation
  • Internet access
  • Laptop or smartphone
  • Click Enroll NOW

Yes, at Al Walid Academy, you can meet tutors and select the one you feel comfortable with for a satisfying learning experience.

There 6 Tafseer sources which are:

  • The Quran
  • Hadith
  • Narrations of the Prophet’s companions
  • Narrations of successors (Tabein)
  • The Arabic Language
  • Deliberation and deduction

آراء الطلاب

"هذه الدورة رائعة جداً! لقد تعلمت الكثير عن تلاوة القرآن الكريم بطريقة صحيحة. المعلمون متميزون والمحتوى منظم بشكل ممتاز."

صورة الطالب

أحمد محمد

طالب في الدورة

"استفدت كثيراً من هذه الدورة في تحسين مهاراتي في اللغة العربية. المعلمون متعاونون جداً والمواد التعليمية شاملة ومفيدة."

صورة الطالبة

فاطمة علي

طالبة في الدورة

"دورة ممتازة لتعلم القرآن الكريم واللغة العربية. أسلوب التدريس ممتع والمعلمون على درجة عالية من الكفاءة. أنصح بها بشدة!"

صورة الطالب

عمر خالد

طالب في الدورة