Al-Walid Academy

The Ultimate Guide to Dua for Intention of Umrah

Performing Umrah is a deeply spiritual journey that requires both physical preparation and a sincere intention, or Niyyah. The dua for intention of Umrah is an integral part of this process, setting the spiritual tone for the journey ahead. This guide will walk you through the key aspects of making Niyyah, the various supplications (duas) you should recite during your journey, and the significance of each step.

 How to Perform Niyyah for Umrah?

Niyyah, or intention, is a crucial part of performing Umrah. It signifies your conscious decision and commitment to undertake this spiritual journey solely for the sake of Allah. The process of making Niyyah for Umrah involves several key steps:

1.   Purification and Preparation: Before making the Niyyah, it is important to purify yourself physically by performing Wudu (ablution). This purification is symbolic of the spiritual cleanliness required for Umrah.

2.   Entering the State of Ihram: Ihram is the sacred state that a pilgrim must enter before performing Umrah. To do this, you should first cleanse your body by taking a full bath (ghusl) or performing Wudu. Then, you should wear the designated Ihram clothing: two white, unstitched cloths for men, and modest clothing for women.

3.   Making the Intention (Niyyah): Once you are in the state of Ihram, you are ready to make your intention. The Niyyah for Umrah should be made with sincerity, focusing your heart and mind on the purpose of your journey. You can express your intention verbally by reciting: “Labbayka Allahumma Umrah” (Here I am, O Allah, for Umrah). While verbalizing the Niyyah is recommended, the true essence of Niyyah lies in the heart, so even if it is not spoken aloud, it should be firmly rooted in your mind and soul.

4.   Supplication and Reflection: After making the Niyyah, take a moment to reflect on the significance of this journey. Offer supplications to Allah, asking for ease, acceptance, and the strength to fulfill all the rites of Umrah sincerely and correctly. This is also a time to seek forgiveness for past mistakes and to renew your commitment to living a righteous life.

5.   Observing the Rules of Ihram: Once the Niyyah is made, you must observe the rules of Ihram. This includes refraining from certain activities such as cutting hair or nails, using perfume, engaging in marital relations, and other prohibitions specific to Ihram. Maintaining these rules is essential to preserve the sanctity of your Umrah.

By performing the Niyyah with a sincere heart and understanding its significance, you set the spiritual foundation for your Umrah journey. It is the first and most important step in ensuring that your pilgrimage is accepted by Allah and is spiritually rewarding.

Where to Do Niyat for Umrah?

The Niyat for Umrah should be made at the Miqat, which is the designated station or boundary for entering the state of Ihram. It is important to declare your intention and enter Ihram before crossing this boundary. Each pilgrim should be aware of their respective Miqat based on their location.

 Dua for Intention of Umrah

Dua for Intention of Umrah

The dua for intention of Umrah is a foundational step in embarking on this spiritual journey. It is the moment when you consciously set your intention to perform Umrah, aligning your heart, mind, and soul with the purpose of worshiping Allah. This dua is more than just a verbal declaration; it is an act of deep spiritual significance that connects you directly with Allah as you prepare to undertake this sacred pilgrimage.

The Significance of the Dua for Intention

In Islam, every act of worship begins with Niyyah, or intention. For Umrah, this Niyyah is articulated through a specific dua that signifies your commitment to fulfilling this act of worship solely for the sake of Allah. The intention must be pure, free from any worldly desires, and focused on seeking Allah’s pleasure. This sincere intention is what distinguishes an act of worship from a mere ritual, giving it profound meaning and spiritual value.

How to Recite the Dua for Intention of Umrah

The dua for intention of Umrah is traditionally recited after you have entered the state of Ihram, the sacred state required for performing Umrah. The dua is as follows: “Labbayka Allahumma Umrah” (Here I am, O Allah, for Umrah). This phrase, simple yet powerful, encapsulates your readiness and eagerness to perform Umrah in response to Allah’s call.

When reciting this dua, it is important to do so with full concentration and sincerity. Your heart should be focused on the journey ahead, acknowledging that you are embarking on a spiritual mission to seek closeness to Allah. The act of reciting this dua should be a moment of introspection, where you mentally and spiritually prepare yourself for the pilgrimage.

Mental and Spiritual Preparation

Before you recite the dua for intention of Umrah, take a moment to center yourself. Reflect on the reasons why you are performing Umrah and what you hope to achieve from this journey. This preparation helps to ensure that your intentions are pure and that you approach the pilgrimage with the right mindset.

     Purification: Perform Wudu (ablution) or take a full ghusl (ritual bath) to cleanse yourself physically, which complements the spiritual cleansing achieved through your Niyyah.

     Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection or prayer, asking Allah for guidance and strength as you embark on this journey.

     Gratitude: Thank Allah for the opportunity to perform Umrah, acknowledging that this is a special blessing that not everyone is granted.

By reciting the dua for intention of Umrah with sincerity and understanding, you lay the foundation for a spiritually fulfilling and accepted pilgrimage. This dua is not just a formality; it is a profound declaration of your dedication to performing Umrah for the sake of Allah, setting the tone for the sacred journey that lies ahead.

Dua for Intention of Hajj

If you are performing Hajj along with Umrah, the intention should include both. Recite the intention: “Labbayka Allahumma Hajjan wa Umrah” (Here I am, O Allah, for Hajj and Umrah). This ensures that your journey is focused and spiritually aligned with the goals of both pilgrimages.

Enhance Your Spiritual Journey with Al-Walid Academy At Al-Walid Academy, we provide comprehensive courses to help you deepen your Islamic knowledge:

   Quran Memorizing Course: Learn to memorize the Quran with precision and understanding, ensuring that your spiritual journey, whether it be Umrah or Hajj, is enhanced by a deep connection with the Quran.

     Quran Reading Course: Improve your Quranic recitation skills with expert guidance, making every recitation during your pilgrimage more meaningful.

Dua for Hajj and Umrah

When undertaking the sacred journey of both Hajj and Umrah, the role of dua (supplication) becomes even more significant. These duas are not just simple recitations but powerful tools that help a pilgrim maintain focus, sincerity, and a deep spiritual connection throughout the journey.

Understanding the Role of Dua in Hajj and Umrah

Hajj and Umrah are acts of worship that require complete devotion and mindfulness. As a pilgrim, your journey is filled with various rituals, each with its own set of challenges and spiritual significance. By reciting the appropriate duas at each stage, you not only seek Allah’s assistance but also remind yourself of the spiritual purpose of your journey.

Key Duas for Hajj and Umrah

1-Dua for Entering Ihram: Before beginning your Hajj or Umrah, after entering the state of Ihram, recite the Talbiyah: “Labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayk la sharika laka labbayk, inna al-hamda wa an-ni’mata laka wal-mulk, la sharika lak” (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. You have no partner. Here I am. Indeed, all praise, blessings, and sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner). This dua signifies your submission to Allah and your readiness to perform the pilgrimage.

2-Dua during Tawaf: As you circumambulate the Kaaba during Tawaf, it is recommended to make personal duas. A common dua is: “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar” (Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire). This dua reflects a balanced approach to seeking Allah’s blessings in both this life and the Hereafter.

3-Dua for Sa’ee: While performing Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah, you may recite the dua: “Rabbighfir warham wa anta khayrur-rahimin” (My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for You are the best of the merciful). This dua is a plea for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy, recognizing His infinite compassion.

4-Dua for Standing at Arafat: The Day of Arafat is the pinnacle of Hajj. While standing at Arafat, recite: “Allahumma inna nas’aluka min khayri ma sa’alaka minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam wa na’udhu bika min sharri ma’stha’adhaka minhu nabiyyuka Muhammadun sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam” (O Allah, we ask You for the best of what Your Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked You for, and we seek refuge in You from the worst of what Your Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sought refuge from). This dua is comprehensive and covers all aspects of well-being and protection.

Maintaining Sincerity and Focus

Reciting these duas at the appropriate times during Hajj and Umrah helps to maintain your focus on the spiritual essence of the journey. They serve as reminders of the purpose of your pilgrimage and keep your heart and mind aligned with your intentions. Sincerity in making these duas is essential, as it ensures that your actions are solely for the sake of Allah and not for any worldly gain.

By incorporating these duas into your Hajj and Umrah rituals, you reinforce your commitment to fulfilling these sacred duties with the utmost devotion and spiritual awareness.

Dua When Leaving Home for Hajj

Before leaving home for Hajj or Umrah, recite the dua: “Bismillahi tawakkaltu ‘alallah, la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” (In the name of Allah, I trust in Allah; therethere is no might and no power except through Allah. This dua signifies placing your trust in Allah for a safe and spiritually fulfilling journey.

Dua When Boarding a Vehicle

Dua for Intention of Umrah

As you begin your journey, recite the dua: “Subhanalladhi sakhkhara lana hadha wama kunna lahu muqrinin, wa inna ila Rabbina lamunqalibun” (Glory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we could never have accomplished it [by ourselves]. And to our Lord, we will surely return). This dua reminds us of our reliance on Allah for safe travels.

Read Also: Dua For Travelling on A Plane

Dua upon Arrival at the Holy Place

Upon arriving in Makkah, recite the dua: “Allahumma innaka anta as-salam wa minka as-salam, fahayyina Rabbana bis-salam” (O Allah, You are peace, and peace comes from You. Bless us, our Lord, with peace). This dua reflects the sanctity of the Holy Place and your gratitude for reaching it safely.

Dua for Beginning Ihram

When you are ready to enter Ihram, recite the dua: “Allahumma inni uridul Umrah fa yassirha li wataqabbalha minni” (O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah, so make it easy for me and accept it from me). This dua sets your intention firmly and seeks Allah’s help in performing Umrah correctly.

Build a Strong Foundation with Al-Walid Academy If you’re preparing for Hajj or Umrah and want to deepen your understanding of Islamic rituals and the Arabic language, Al-Walid Academy offers courses that can help you. Our Arabic Foundation Course is ideal for those seeking to strengthen their Arabic language skills, which is invaluable during your pilgrimage.

 Talbiyah Recitation

Throughout your journey, continuously recite the Talbiyah: “Labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayk la sharika laka labbayk, inna al-hamda wa an-ni’mata laka wal-mulk, la sharika lak” (Here I am, O Allah, here I am; there is no partner with You, here I am. Verily, all praise, grace, and sovereignty belong to You; You have no partner). This recitation reaffirms your devotion and submission to Allah throughout your pilgrimage.

Dua for the First Sight of Kaaba

When you first see the Kaaba, make the dua: “Allahumma zid hadha al-bayta tashrifan wata’dhiman watakriran wa mahabbatan” (O Allah, increase this House in honor, nobility, reverence, and awe). This moment is highly spiritual, and the dua expresses deep reverence for the Kaaba.

Master the Language of the Quran with Al-Walid Academy Understanding Arabic can greatly enhance your experience during Umrah and Hajj. Our Arabic Language Course at Al-Walid Academy will help you connect more deeply with the Quran and the rituals you perform during your pilgrimage.

Dua for Tawaf

During Tawaf, continuously make duas, asking Allah for forgiveness, guidance, and blessings. A common dua is: “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil-akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar” (Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire).

 Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah

While performing Sa’ee, recite the dua: “Rabbighfir warham wa anta khayrur-rahimin” (My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for You are the best of the merciful). This supplication aligns your actions with the spirit of devotion and reliance on Allah.

Dua at Mount Safa and Marwah

Dua for Intention of Umrah

Performing Sa’ee, the act of walking between the hills of Safa and Marwah, is a crucial part of both Hajj and Umrah. This ritual commemorates the struggle of Hajar (Hagar), the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), as she searched for water for her son Ismail. The dua recited at Mount Safa and Marwah reflects the deep spiritual significance of this act, acknowledging both the historical and religious importance of these locations.

The Proper Dua at Safa and Marwah

When you reach Mount Safa, begin by facing the Kaaba, raise your hands in supplication, and recite the following dua:

“Inna as-Safa wal-Marwata min sha’a’iril-lah”

(Indeed, Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah.)

After this, it is recommended to recite:

“La ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, yuhyi wa yumit, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadir. La ilaha illallah wahdahu, anjaza wa’dahu, wa nasara ‘abdahu, wa hazamal ahzaba wahdahu.”

(There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone, without partner. To Him belongs the dominion and to Him belongs all praise. He gives life and causes death, and He is over all things competent. There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone, He fulfilled His promise, aided His servant, and defeated the confederates alone.)

This is followed by personal supplications. You can make any dua you wish, asking for Allah’s guidance, forgiveness, and blessings. It’s a time to pour out your heart and soul to Allah, reflecting on the trials of Hajar and the mercy of Allah.

Repeating the Dua at Marwah

When you reach Mount Marwah, the same dua is recited as you did at Safa. It is important to remember that this dua not only marks the physical act of walking between the hills but also serves as a reminder of the perseverance, faith, and trust in Allah that Hajar exhibited. The dua reflects the pilgrim’s reliance on Allah and the belief that Allah is the ultimate provider and protector.

Completing the Ritual with Sincerity

The act of Sa’ee and the accompanying dua are more than just rituals; they are opportunities for deep spiritual reflection and connection with Allah. By understanding and reciting the proper duas, you align yourself with the true spirit of Hajj and Umrah, commemorating the struggles of the past while seeking Allah’s mercy and blessings for the future.

This ritual reinforces the importance of trust in Allah, perseverance through hardships, and the hope for Allah’s mercy and support in all aspects of life.

Read Also: Understanding the Wudu Steps in Order

 Dua for Drinking ZamZam Water

Dua for Intention of Umrah

While drinking ZamZam water, recite the dua: “Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman nafi’an wa rizqan wasi’an wa shifa’an min kulli da’in” (O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, abundant provision, and healing from every illness). This water is blessed, and the dua seeks its full benefits.

Dua after Every Prayer

After completing your prayers, make duas for yourself and others, asking Allah for guidance, forgiveness, and success in this life and the Hereafter.

Dua between Two Sujood

During Sujood (prostration), recite the dua: “Rabbighfirli warhamni wahdini warzuqni wa’afini” (My Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me, provide for me, and give me health). This dua reflects a deep sense of humility and dependence on Allah.

Personal Duas

Personalize your dua by asking Allah for specific needs, desires, and blessings. This is your opportunity to communicate directly with Allah, expressing your innermost thoughts and requests.

 Personal Duas for Umrah

Throughout your Umrah journey, continue to make personal duas that align with the intentions of your pilgrimage. Ask for forgiveness, guidance, and the strength to complete your Umrah sincerely and effectively.


Performing Umrah is a deeply spiritual experience that requires a sincere intention and mindful supplication. By understanding the dua for the intention of Umrah and the various supplications that accompany each stage of your journey, you can ensure that your Umrah is performed with the utmost devotion and adherence to Islamic teachings. For those looking to deepen their understanding and practice of Islam, Al-Walid Academy offers a range of courses to support your spiritual journey.


1-What is the dua for the intention of Umrah?

     The dua for the intention of Umrah is “Labbayka Allahumma Umrah,” expressing your commitment to perform Umrah for Allah’s sake.

2.   When should I make the intention for Umrah?

     The intention should be made at the Miqat, before entering the state of Ihram.

3.   Can I combine the intention for Hajj and Umrah?

     Yes, if performing both, you can recite “Labbayka Allahumma Hajjan wa Umrah.”

4.   What is the significance of Talbiyah during Umrah?

     Talbiyah is a declaration of faith and submission to Allah, recited throughout the pilgrimage.

5.   Can I make personal duas during Tawaf and Sa’ee?

     Yes, you are encouraged to make personal duas during these rituals, seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings.

By following this guide, you can approach your Umrah journey with confidence, knowing that your intentions and supplications are aligned with the teachings of Islam.

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