Al-Walid Academy

Why Islam Forbids Pork?

Have you ever asked, why Islam forbids pork? Have you thought about the wisdom behind this Islamic rule?

How can eating pork negatively affect our health and the environment?

These are the most common questions worldwide, and knowing the wisdom behind this strict rule from Allah is very persistent. If you are eager to know the answer to all these confusing questions and much more, follow this article to understand this issue from religious and scientific points of view.

Is it a major sin to eat pork in Islam?

Allah orders believers to avoid impure, harmful habits or foods that disrupt Muslims’ lives. Therefore, eating pork is forbidden in the Quran and the Noble Sunnah. If one eats pork knowingly it is considered a sin and a transgression that will bring Allah’s punishment for disobeying his commands.

Learning about Islamic regulations is necessary to avoid committing such a sin or another one, this is available through the Islamic Studies Course offered by the best Arabic and Quran academy, Al Walid Academy to explore the depth of holistic Islam with a comprehensive curriculum.

What happens if we eat pork in Islam?

Why Islam Forbids Pork

The consequences of eating pork differ in Islam according to the intention while eating.

  • Intentionally: requires a punishment for disobeying Allah’s commands.

  • Unintentionally: it is not a sin if it is accidentally, as Islam enhances mercy and forgiveness.

Muslims must be mindful of the consumed food sources especially if living in non muslim countries. You will be careful to do this when you enrich your knowledge concerning why Islam forbids pork.

What does Allah say about pork?

Why Islam Forbids Pork

Allah’s message to the human being is the holy Quran. You will only find command with wisdom behind it. And Allah prohibited eating pork clearly without confusion and before explaining why Islam forbids pork, Let’s know the evidence for this rule in the Quran.

The prohibition of eating pork is mentioned in the holy Quran four times:

  • Surah Al-Baqarah (verse 173)

Why Islam Forbids Pork

  • Surah Al-Ma’idah (verse 3)

Why Islam Forbids Pork

  • Surah Al-An’am (verse 145)

Why Islam Forbids Pork

  • Surah Al-Nahl (verse 115)

Why Islam Forbids Pork

In all these Quranic situations, eating pork is mentioned directly as haram and forbidden.

Also, the prophet Mohamed peace be upon him emphasizes the prohibition of eating pork.

Any Muslim must be aware of the Quranic rules that regulate his life, you can deepen your Islamic information by learning about the Quran and understanding its exact meaning, this is available at the Best Arabic and Quran Academy, Al Walid Academy.

You will find informative content covering all the Islamic aspects you need for life.

Moreover, it is the best destination for Quran Memorizing. So, Don’t Miss your place.

Why Islam forbids pork?

Why Islam Forbids Pork

Nothing is forbidden in Islam without a reason or wisdom. Allah strictly forbids pork for Muslims with many concerns about health, hygiene, and spiritual purity. The permitted animals for eating in the Islamic dietary law are herbivores that must chew the cud and have split hooves. Examples are cow, buffalo, deer, goat, and sheep.

In contrast, pigs miss these properties and that is why Islam forbids pork, as follows:

  • Pigs don’t chew the cud

  • Have cloven hooves

  • Dirty animals as they are omnivores and eat carrion which is unclean in Islam

  • Common carriers for bacteria and parasites that harm human health and affect his well-being.

All these reasons and more (which will be discussed in the following lines) answer the most famous question: why does Islam forbid pork?

Does the bible say not to eat pork?

When we think about why Islam forbids pork, another question may emerge concerning the other holy books. The prohibition of eating pork or consuming its derivatives is not limited to Islam only, both Judaism and Christianity share some restrictions concerning this issue.

Eating pork or consuming its derivatives is considered haram in Christianity according to Islamic doctrine. There are some commonalities among the Abrahamic faiths concerning pork prohibition mentioned in the following books: 

  • The  Leviticus chapter (11:7)

  • The book of Deuteronomy (14:8)

  • Book of Isaiah chapter 66 verse 17

In the Torah, pork is classified as unclean, and Jews are prohibited from eating it. Also, the early Christians followed the kosher dietary laws and abstained from consuming pork. Christians nowadays don’t adhere to these restrictions but this does not deny the truth.

Knowing what the Quran says about Christianity and other holy books is very fruitful to have comprehensive information.

Would Jesus eat pork?

The clear answer to this question is No. Jesus never ate any unclean food. He only ate clean meat such as fish, goat, lamb, and beef. And as mentioned in the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, Jesus killed a pig upon his return. And this is reasonable as true Christianity also seeks purity and enhances the individual’s well-being.

Why should you stop eating pork?

In Islam, Pork consumption is forbidden by the commands of Allah Almighty for many reasons that aim to keep the individual and social health.

  1. Obeying Allah’s commands

The main reason to stop eating pork is that Allah Almighty prohibits it, and this is more than enough to stop eating pork.

  1. Maintain your spiritual purity

Consuming forbidden foods or drinks will distance the spiritual connection with Allah.

  1. Avoid eating unclean animals

As mentioned previously, pigs are dirty and eat everything.

  1. Keep your health

Pigs are carriers of parasites and bacteria that are transmitted to humans.

  1. Save the environment

Large-scale pig farms cause greenhouse effect and water pollution

Is there any scientific reason not to eat pork?

Allah granted the human mind and the analysis ability. All Allah’s commands are issued for the human well-being, body, heart, and soul. And if you search you will find scientific reasons for almost all Islamic rules that enhance the Muslim well-being. The  is the  greatness of Islam 

These are reasons why Islam forbids pork on a scientific basis:

  • Pigs are common carriers of parasites and bacteria like E.coli and Salmonella that can be transmitted to man.

  • Contains a very high content of fats that lead to cardiovascular diseases such as high cholesterol and heart diseases

  • Source of food-borne illness.

  • Pigs farms contribute to water pollution and greenhouse effects.

  • Pigs can absorb toxins and retain it in their bodies without excreting them.

  • Germs held in pigs are retained within pork meat even after cooking at high temperatures.

  • Unlike the cow’s efficient digestive system, pigs have a poor one that results in flesh filled with parasites.

  • Pork meat is associated with thirty different disease types, for example, Hydra-Typhoid Bell disease and urinary bladder infections.

This is more than enough answer to the most famous question, why does Islam forbid pork?

Will Allah forgive me if I accidentally eat pork?

It is obvious to all Muslims that eating pork is prohibited in Islam, but what if it happened accidentally?

Islam is the religion of mercy and the way of returning to Allah and forgiveness is always open for Muslims if they intend to repent to Allah Almighty. If a Muslim eats pork or its derivatives accidentally and unintentionally, he won’t be accounted for this mistake. He must repent to Allah Almighty, seek his forgiveness, increase his knowledge about his food sources, and avoid any unknown ones, especially in non-Muslim countries.

  •  In the hadith narrated by Abu Dharr, Allah forgives the prophet Mohammed’s nation for their mistakes, forgetfulness, and what they were forced to do. The Muslim must be committed to the Islamic dietary laws and increase his awareness through a trusted source to understand why Islam forbids pork and other rules.

In addition, self-education about Islamic dietary laws and searching for halal-certified products to prevent accidental pork consumption or its derivatives.

What is the punishment for eating pork in the Quran?

Eating pork in Islam is Haram or forbidden by the order of Allah Almighty. So, If one eats it knowingly with a previous intention, this is considered a transgression and violation of Allah’s orders, this is the main punishment reason.

The punishment for eating pork in Islam is not stated definitely or specified. However, Islamic scholars emphasize that the main reason for punishment is:

  • Disobeying Allah’s commands

  •  Disregarding the Islamic laws

  •  Refusing to adhere to Islamic rules

If you are a non-Arab Muslim, you can solve difficulties in Arabic through the Arabic Language Course provided by Al Walid Academy which allows you to master the language.


In the end and after knowing why Islam forbids pork, Muslims must refrain from eating pork for various reasons including religious, health, and environmental concerns. If you accidentally ate it, you should seek Allah’s forgiveness and show repentance honestly. Also, Muslims should increase their self-awareness of their religious regulations, adhere to them, and show commitment and obedience to Allah’s divine commands. As a result of adhering to Allah’s will, the Muslim will keep his spiritual connection to Allah, and maintain his health and well-being. And finally, we thank God, Allah Almighty for legislating laws that preserve our well-being and keep us close to him spiritually.

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