If you have made the best decision in your life to memorize the Holy Quran, you have headed off to the right destination. All you need to do right now is just sincerely intend to memorize it and let us guide you on how to byheart Quran easily. In this blog, you will learn all the methods and habits related to memorizing the Quran that you need to be one of the people of the Quran.
What Does Hifz Mean?
The literal meaning of Hifz is maintaining something or memorizing information. However, when it comes to the Quran, this term has a wider meaning that extends this superficial translation.
- Hifz means memorizing the whole Quran exquisitely, ending up with recognizing any verse once you hear it and pinpointing its exact position within the Holy Quran, in addition to identifying which chapter and Surah it belongs to.
- Hifz doesn’t mean you memorized the Surah today so it’s done; while you are still hesitating or making mistakes, you have to be able to fluently and smoothly recite it from your memory without making pauses or slide mistakes like trapping in Tashkeel or the right pronunciation of a letter. The most important aspect of the Hifz concept is to keep the Quran in your heart, grasp it, and let its precepts be your mentor in life.
- Let’s have the practical side of Hifz, which has been considered the process of keeping by heart the whole Quran.
- It can be achieved by some techniques and a structured plan that involves good memorization, starting with short Surahs until you master Tajweed then gradually taking longer Surahs. You can find suitable plans in Quran Memorizing Course that paves your way to effortless Hifz.
- This honorable deed requires some effort, but make sure it’s the most valuable thing that deserves the effort.
How to Do Hifz by Yourself?
To be honest, you can’t do Hifz by yourself if you don’t have a foundation in reciting the Quran, plus mastering Tajweed. As a small mistake can totally change the meaning of a verse, like the verse:
﴿۞ وَإِذِ ابْتَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ رَبُّهُ بِكَلِمَاتٍ فَأَتَمَّهُنَّ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّي جَاعِلُكَ لِلنَّاسِ إِمَامًا ۖ قَالَ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي ۖ قَالَ لَا يَنَالُ عَهْدِي الظَّالِمِينَ
In this verse if you say “Ibrahimo instead of Ibrahima”, you changed the entire meaning of the verse, making Ibrahim the subject not Allah. This slide difference is just on Tashkeel not even on a letter. So, being careful is a must when it comes to the Holy Quran.
Figure out how to master Tajweed with the Tajweed Course, to avoid any mistakes while reciting and memorization.
Without further ado, let's demonstrate how to byheart Quran easily if you have the required foundation:
- If you are a beginner, allocate three verses to memorize a day.
- Listen to them from Sheikh Al Hussary as its voice and Tajweed is the clearest among the rest of Sheikhs.
- Keep listening for at least five times to familiarize the right recitation.
- Look for the verses’ tafseer, the authentic tafseer you can blindly rely on “Tafsir Ibn Kathir”, in addition to watching videos to help you get the picture.
For best results, Learn Quran Tafseer Online will give you a good grasp of each verse.
5-Start memorizing by repeating many times, connecting the verses with each other, and taking out a word from each verse to be a key that guides you to the verse. There are many ways to memorize, pick out what suits you. 6-Recite the verses you have memorized in your daily prayers. 7-Every day revise the prior verses before starting the new ones.
Best Habits to Memorize the Quran
Work smart, not hard. There are many successful things that are based on experience, following the advice of scholars and Sheikhs can ease your journey with memorizing the Quran:
1-Allocate Specific Time for The Quran
Better to do a little bit every day than a lot all at once, you can take just three verses per day, but memorize them well, better than memorizing 3 pages while you are not committed to daily memorization. In other words, consistency beats quantity.
You can’t achieve commitment except if you have dedicated time on your day just for the Quran, it can be after Al-Fajr or any time suits your schedule.
2-Keep Distractions Away
Get rid of any distractions, such as your phone or sitting near your family. The time of memorization should be free from any noise and you should be fully taken up with the memorization.
3-Stick to Night Prayer
The most effective method that guarantees you can’t forget the previous verses is reciting them in night prayer. For instance, you are blessed with finishing up Surah Al-Baqra, target taking a quarter every night. In this way, you create a balance between the old and new memorization. You can read the Benefits of Reading Quran at Night
4-Dedicate a Notebook for Mutashabihat
As you progress in memorizing the Quran, you find myself increasingly confused by the many similar verses. Preferably, from the start dedicate a notebook just for similar verses “Mutashabihat.”
5-Give Sadaqah
This is the magic stick of a Muslim, once you intend to succeed in any thing, commit to giving regular Sadaqah. The results will be impressive, as this is a secret of how to byheart Quran easily.
6-Listen to the Quran Regularly
On your way to work, while you are preparing your stuff before leaving, or while you are doing house chores, keep your favorite Shiekh in the background and listen to the same portion many times to revise and fix it in your mind. You can read about Can You Read Quran Lying Down
How to Byheart Quran Easily
First of all, you need to know that the Hifz Quran is not like memorizing a subject in school or doing an activity that takes several months and ends. The Quran is a lifestyle, once you start its journey you can’t stop.
Let me demonstrate, you ask how to byheart Quran easily and think you will memorize it for 2 years. Do you think this is just the journey and you have reached your destination once you entirely memorize it? Actually, these two years are just the start of a new chapter in your life with a precious guest that will rectify everything.
Here are golden tips to help you memorize the Quran:
- Faithfully make your intention in heart that you will memorize the Quran just for the sake of Allah. You will be rewarded because of your intention, and from the first verse you memorize you are considered one of the people of the Quran.
- Ask Allah for help, you can’t do anything without Allah’s grace. Commit to dua, asking Allah to facilitate your way until you memorize it fully.
- Put targets that suit your abilities. If your intellectual capacity is yet to make you memorize the Quran within six months, don’t stress yourself out and put your own plan that matches with your lifestyle and capacity.
- Set a plan to ease your memorization, including daily, weekly, and monthly schedules for memorizing and review. That avoids you getting lost in the middle of the way between mastering the new part or ensuring the old memorization.
- Discover the memorizing style that fits you, whether writing, listening, or altogether. It’s important to know the way your memory works to take the shortcut for quality memorization. In Quran Classes For Adults you can find competent instructors who can help you with that.
- Technically, the Quran requires a teacher to enhance your skills in recitation and Tajweed. It’s role in your journey can’t be overlooked as he notices mistakes that you don’t.
- Understand before memorizing, how you can memorize something that you don’t understand. ِAllah “SWT” says in Surah al-Jumu'ah: “The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but failed to uphold it, is that of a donkey carrying volumes of knowledge. A dreadful example is set by those who deny Allah's signs, for Allah does not guide those who commit injustice. This highlights the significance of truly understanding what you memorize.
- Primarily, depend on listening from reliable Sheikhs, like Al Hussary or Abdelbast Abd elsamad. This enhances your recitation and Tajweed subconsciously. In addition to making the memorization easier for you as you will familiarize with the verses because of the regular hearing of them.
- Reward yourself for the small achievements, the Hifz journey is long and requires ongoing encouragement and rewards so that you will never feel strained.
- Read about: How Long to Memorize the Quran
How to Memorize the Quran in 6 Months
You won't succeed in this mission unless you have strong determination and a designated plan:
- The Holy Quran is 30 chapters; you will take 5 chapters in a month.
- Mostly, you will memorize a quarter, which is 2 or 3 pages, every day. It depends on the Surah whether it’s simple or requires some effort. Overall, your target per month is 5 chapters.
- You will start with a quick review before getting in the new part of memorization.
- Every week, you have to revise them all, making sure you don’t hesitate or miss any verse.
For your information, I have met many people who memorized the entire Quran within 6 months, so it’s not impossible. Just make an intention and exert some effort, and you can find yourself after 6 months have memorized it and advise people how to byheart Quran easily.
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Steps to Memorize the Quran in 2 Years
The same as the plan of 6 months with slide differences:
- You will divide the 30 chapters of the Quran in two years, which means you will take nearly a chapter and half every month.
- It can be easier than the plan of memorizing the entire Quran in 6 months, but still needs commitment and determination to achieve it.
- It's the little things that count, if you care for small things you do every day and link them to your memorizing the Quran, it can ease your memorization journey.
- Commit to regular revision, consistency is the key to memorizing the Holy Quran as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The deeds most loved by Allah are those done regularly, even if they are small.”
- A well-crafted plan is essential for achieving success in this mission, set a plan that suits your lifestyle and other schedules, trying to be down to earth as put realistic targets to enable you to achieve them.
- Just read Learning To Read Quran For Adults
Methods to Memorize the Quran Without Forgetting
If you care to know how to byheart Quran easily, relying on smart methods will definitely leads to proven results, here are effective methods:
Utilizing Every Available Moment for Revision
Challenge yourself, any time you are free, waiting for your turn in a queue or getting ready for a class, use this time in revision, recite out of your mind any part you have memorized. I have reached this personal conviction, there is no one who memorizes the Quran and has free time. Fill any time you have with the Quran and bless it.
Repeatable Listening
Listen to the same Surah that you are memorizing from your favorite reciter multiple times throughout your day. You will find yourself exerting less effort to recall it, and this is the way our Prophet followed. The auditory learning style works out with most people.
Apply what you learn in your daily life, in other words integrate yourself into the Quran. For instance, you have lately memorized the verse: “
﴿الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللَّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَىٰ جُنُوبِهِمْ وَيَتَفَكَّرُونَ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَٰذَا بَاطِلًا سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ﴾
[ آل عمران: 191]
3:191 Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.
So, each time you look at the sky or think about how great everything around you is well created, you say this verse..
Join Us and Know How to Hifz Quran at Home Easily
You can cut your time and effort in half if you have a mentor in your journey. Al-Walid Academy is your mentor along the way, with a set of comprehensive courses that qualify you to read the Quran fluently without making mistakes and memorize it by heart with the experts’ methods that can achieve your goal much faster and easier. We provide:
- Customized study plans for students that consider individual differences.
- Learning from professional instructors, most of them have graduated from Al-Azhar, with long years of experience in teaching the Holy Quran and Tajweed and guide you on how to byheart Quran easily.
- There is variety in the courses to suit all learners’ levels from beginners to advanced levels.
- Ongoing memorization follow-up to trace the learner’s progress and point out his weaknesses and strengths.
- Providing immediate feedback lets the learner discover their mistakes while reciting and avoids repeating them.
- Interpretation of the Quranic texts is the easiest way to solidify memorization.
- They are all offered at an affordable cost to suit different budget sizes.
- With us, you will Learn Arabic and Quran online In the perfect way you have ever seen.
This is the best starting point for your journey with the Quran.
Ask Allah for assistance and open your heart, soul, and mind to the Quran Hifz. Then, hurry up with following the ways that underscore how to byheart Quran easily.