Al-Walid Academy

Am I learning Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic?

Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic

Learning Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic

Are you seeking to master the language of the eloquent, the language of the Quran, poetry, and literature? Are you torn between learning Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or Quranic Arabic? Fret not, for in this article, we will take you on an enthralling journey through time and knowledge to understand the nuances between these two languages and help you choose the optimal path for your linguistic voyage.

What is Modern Standard Arabic?

Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the official and standard language in most Arab countries. It is the language of education, media, and culture. This language evolved from Classical Arabic, the language of the Quran and pre-Islamic poetry, and is characterized by its clarity and organized grammatical rules, making it easy to learn and communicate in.

What is Quranic Arabic?

Quranic Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran, the language in which the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This language is distinguished by its eloquence, fluency, and beauty. It is a sacred language that Muslims respect and strive to learn to understand and contemplate the Quran.
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Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic?
Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic

The choice of language to learn depends on your goals:

  • If you wish to learn Arabic for communication, travel, and work in Arab countries, then Modern Standard Arabic is the ideal choice.
  • If you desire to learn Arabic to understand and contemplate the Quran, then Quranic Arabic is the optimal option.

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At Al-Walid Academy, we offer specialized COURSES  in Modern Standard Arabic and Quranic Arabic, using modern and effective teaching methods.

Differences Between MSA and Quranic Arabic

While both Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Quranic Arabic share the same root, they possess distinct characteristics. Let’s delve into the key areas where they differ:

  1. Sounds and Structure (Phonology & Morphology):
  • Vowel Length: MSA generally focuses on short vowels, while Quranic Arabic distinguishes between long and short vowels, impacting word meanings.
  • Consonant Pronunciation: Certain consonants, like “qaf” and “jim,” have slightly different pronunciations.
  • Hamza Treatment: This letter has a stronger pronunciation in Quranic Arabic compared to MSA’s softer vowel sound.
  • Dual Number: Classical Arabic (the foundation of Quranic Arabic) included a dual number for nouns, absent in MSA.
  • Verb Conjugations: Quranic Arabic features a more intricate verb conjugation system, including a dedicated passive voice form.
  • Pronoun System: Quranic Arabic offers a wider range of pronouns for various grammatical cases.
  • Noun Declensions: Quranic Arabic exhibits a more extensive noun declension system for specific grammatical contexts.
  1. Sentence Structure (Syntax):
  • Word Order: Quranic Arabic allows for more flexibility in word order, whereas MSA generally follows a Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structure.
  • Grammatical Particles: Quranic Arabic utilizes a broader range of particles to convey grammatical relationships and emphasis.
  • Inflection Reliance: Quranic Arabic relies more heavily on inflections to indicate grammatical roles within a sentence compared to MSA’s use of prepositions.
  • Sentence Complexity: Quranic Arabic is known for its complex sentence structures using participial phrases and relative clauses, though also present in MSA to a lesser degree.
  1. Vocabulary and Style:
  • Word Choice: Quranic Arabic employs many words and expressions specific to its religious context and time period, some no longer used in MSA.
  • Emphasis on Religious Terms: Quranic Arabic naturally includes a wealth of Islamic terminology like “salaah” (prayer) and “zakat” (charity), absent in MSA.
  • Modern Terms: MSA incorporates technical terms for contemporary fields like “computer” and “internet,” not found in Quranic Arabic.
  • Poetic Language: Quranic Arabic exhibits a highly poetic style with rhythm, rhyme, and figurative language. MSA prioritizes a more straightforward approach.
  • Sentence Length: Quranic Arabic tends to use longer, more intricate sentences, while MSA favors shorter, clearer structures.
  • Repetition: Quranic Arabic strategically uses repetition for emphasis and flow. MSA also uses repetition, but less frequently.
  • Rhetorical Devices: Quranic Arabic leverages rhetorical devices like parallelism and hyperbole for a powerful and persuasive style, also present in MSA to a lesser extent.
  1. Usage:
  • Religious Focus: Quranic Arabic is primarily used for religious purposes, especially reciting and comprehending the Quran.
  • Broader Application: MSA finds applications in various domains like news, literature, and official documents.
  • Literary Significance: Although MSA is used in literature, Quranic Arabic holds a more prominent position in the realm of literary expression.

By understanding these distinctions, you can make an informed choice when embarking on your Arabic language journey. Would you like to delve deeper into either Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic learning?

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Conclusion: Modern Standard Arabic Or Quranic Arabic
Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic

In conclusion, we have delved into the intricacies of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Quranic Arabic, uncovering their distinct characteristics and areas of divergence. Each variety holds immense value, catering to diverse purposes and enriching our understanding of the Arabic language.

  • Modern Standard Arabic: For those seeking to navigate the contemporary Arab world, MSA is the bridge to effective communication, cultural immersion, and literary exploration. Its widespread usage across media, academia, and international organizations highlights its significance in the modern era.
  • Quranic Arabic: For those seeking to delve into the profound depths of the Quran, Quranic Arabic opens the door to comprehending the sacred text in its purest form. Its intricate linguistic nuances and rhythmic cadence unveil the profound spiritual and scholarly dimensions of the Quran.

The Choice is Yours: Ultimately, the choice between MSA and Quranic Arabic lies within the individual’s aspirations and interests. Whether seeking to master the language of daily interactions or immerse oneself in the divine verses, both MSA and Quranic Arabic offer enriching linguistic and cultural discovery paths.
If You Want to Learn Modern Standard Arabic Or Quranic Arabic CONTACT US Now At Al Walid Academy and start learning
I think you found your answers here about Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic, is it ?


1- Can you read the Quran with MSA?

Yes, you can read the Quran with Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). MSA is the standard language for reading the Quran used across the Islamic world. While there are slight pronunciation differences between MSA and Quranic Arabic, these differences do not hinder understanding the Quran’s meaning. In fact, MSA can aid in better understanding the Quran as it is closer to the original language of the Quran.

2- Should I learn Classical Arabic or Modern Standard Arabic?

It depends on your goals for learning Arabic.

  • If you want to learn Arabic for communication in the Arab world, writing and reading skills, and engaging with contemporary Arabic culture, then Modern Standard Arabic is the best choice.
  • If you want to learn Arabic to understand and study the Quran or are interested in classical Arabic language and literature, then learning Classical Arabic might be a better option.

3- Is MSA the same as Quranic Arabic?

No, MSA is not the same as Quranic Arabic.

MSA is a natural evolution of Classical Arabic, the language in which the Quran was revealed. However, there are some differences between the two, including:

  • Pronunciation: Some sounds in MSA are pronounced differently than in Quranic Arabic.
  • Vocabulary: Quranic Arabic contains words and terms no longer used in MSA.
  • Grammar: There are slight grammatical differences between MSA and Quranic Arabic.

4- Is it better to learn MSA or Egyptian Arabic?

It depends on your goals for learning Arabic.

  • If you want to learn Arabic for communication across the Arab world, then learning MSA is the better choice.
  • If you want to learn Arabic for communication in Egypt or with Egyptian Arabic speakers, then learning Egyptian Arabic might be a better option.

However, learning MSA will help you understand Egyptian Arabic better, and vice versa.
I think I answered your Question Modern Standard Arabic or Quranic Arabic which one?


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